
Fresh Perspectives, Art Premiere at the Qualcomm Institute with the 2022-23 IDEAS Season

Themes of nature, culture, music and the future collide in the 2022-23 season of the Qualcomm Institute’s (QI) Initiative for Digital Exploration of Arts and Sciences (IDEAS). Beginning with a free viewing of “Fusion: Landscape and Beyond” in QI’s Atkinson Hall on the UC San Diego campus, the ninth annual series of IDEAS will bring fresh, imaginative performances to the university and public communities now through June 2023. 

The full lineup is as follows:

“Fusion: Landscape and Beyond” by Mingyong Chen, Xuexi Dang, Xingwen Zhao and Zetao Yu

“Morphés I” by Alexander Ishov

“Persistence” by Roger Reynolds

“Crossing Boundaries” - Class Performance

“Dust” by Heige Kim

“Ecospherical” by Charles Deluga

“Pigments of Imagination” by Timothy Gmeinor

“Arepas Monedas: A Sci-Fi Opera” by Jonny Stallings Cárdenas

RSVPs to IDEAS events are requested to

Media Contacts

Xochitl Rojas-Rocha